At last, I’m here! a puff of wind!


tropical teZ, the crone years

I welcome you all, with all my Heart!

I haven’t posted on LordFlea for ages, that’s why I’m so happy to finally have time/energy to share with you. I hope some of you got to follow the podcasts my consort Carter and I have been doing since June, when we set off on our extended journey. If not, here’s the link for our conversations on the ZLORD podcast. Since we were going to be car-and-tent camping for six months (at least!) I couldn’t keep up with creating posts for LordFlea. I hope for those of you who are “regulars”here that’ll suffice as a reason for my extended absence from sharing on LordFlea. Here’s my podcast partner, my consort, handsome hubby, Carter. We celebrated 28 years married while on our trip.


In case you missed it, here’s our podcast link and its nice logo my friend Kathryn Arango made for me. Click on the logo and you’ll discover the podcasts. You can then go as far back as you like to hear about our magical six months as nomadic adventurers. The episodes of ZLORD are also up on iTunes podcasts, iHeart and everywhere podcasts can be found.

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After posting here at my blog, LordFlea Sings for more than a decade I find that podcasts are … hmmm, shall we say a “more immediate” way of reaching out to share what I have to say. It was a challenge learning the new technology, but once I did after much sweat and tears, we began to share our “Vision Quest” (that’s what Carter and I called our six months on the road, rather than a “journey” or, heavens not that! a “vacation”).

Even though some people think that blogs, in which we write mostly (and yes, add visuals) are dated, I am a writer and a visual artist, first and fore-mostly. The whole “speaking thing” and sharing via conversations (which is what we do, Carter and I, on our podcast called ZLORD) — I  feel that writing is a very large part of my desiring to communicate with others. So I will keep up posting as much as I can, and I will keep my writing fresh and honest, and most of our, from the heart. As best I can.

I have a lot of news to share, for those of you who haven’t yet signed up on my author’s email list. If you’d like to receive these e updates from me (only periodically) please visit my website (yes, this is who the blogger called “LordFlea” really is) and be sure to leave your email there. I promise I’ll never share you email address with anyone, cross my heart.

While on our vision quest, I somehow managed to publish two already-written books! I did this amazing feat in between setting up our tent all across southern Canada (starting in July) down into the Badlands of North Dakota and Montana (August), back into Canada, down into eastern Washington State (in September) and camped in beautiful spots. We love the BLM lands (Bureau of Land Management, a Federal office), which are free to use for all American citizens! We camped throughout the western states of Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California (October and November) and ended our last wilderness campsite at Big Bend National Park in southern Texas, a state in which there’s hardly any BLM lands since there’s so many huge ranches, in early December.

Because I’m a self-published author, I had to do a lot of social media posting, something that I actually have grown to like. Not because I want attention, but because I want my work, especially my published books to get known. So yes, I guess the world has to know about “me” in order for that to happen, doesn’t it? I’ve gotten over the idea of privacy being something I need to guard. Being an artist, in itself, means that I want to share how I view the world around me. And that includes not just making art (whether it’s a painting, a book, or another episode of the ZLORD podcast) but letting people know the person who’s behind the ideas I share with the world.

Click on this image to find out more about my work! Hybrid Vigor (a true Reveal of Love) and Zen Love (the journey of a Blended Family are the two latest. We Are ONE (a visionary artbook) and In the ‘I’ were earlier publications. All are available on Amazon.

Above are the two most recent books’ covers that I published while on our 6-month sojourn, no small feat from a tent, I’m telling you. Getting a cell signal can be tough when you’re in the wilderness. Both these latest books are nonfiction narratives and in the next post here on LordFlea I’ll give quickie synopses of them. Watch then for various other things that furl through my untethered mind, mine always curious and open to cosmic connections as together, we roam the myriad of wonderment we’re so fortunate to share here on Earth.

I love the moments we get to share together. Until next time, my friends, be well, and if you’re into social media, do check out my Twitter and Instagram offerings (not too much on FB). I am @tezalord. I even have a YouTube channel! Wow! It’s fun spreading the endless possibilities of awakenedness, aka presence, mindfulness, open-to-All.

Love Always,

LordFlea, aka teZa

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